The Causes of Acne In Teenagers

Acne affects every adolescent. Some teens have intermittent outbreaks, while others have a persistent type of acne. Acne Manteca affects more than 85% of teens, especially throughout puberty. Teenage acne can manifest as blocked pores, painful pimples, and lumps on the face, neck, upper arms, and chest. Hormonal swings mainly cause adolescent acne. However, several other variables, such as the ones listed below, may also be to blame for exacerbating this skin problem.

a.      Genes – If either of the parents had acne, there is a good possibility that you will.

b.      Food – Acne can be made worse by oily, junk, and spicy foods. A high glycemic load diet, high in dairy protein, and other variables, might enhance some components that promote an increase in sebum production, resulting in acne.

c.       Popping pimples – In quest of a fast fix, children frequently try to pop their pimples. People don’t know that this can spread bacterial infection, resulting in more outbreaks and scarring.

d.      Environmental conditions – When the weather is hot and humid, the skin generates more oil, which may increase the likelihood of acne flare-ups.

e.       Stress – Although it is not the primary cause of adolescent acne, excessive stress from peer pressure, schooling, and other factors can exacerbate outbreaks.

Overview of a teenage acre

Hormonal changes in the body cause teenage acne. Our skin comprises sebaceous glands, which create oil or sebum. When a person reaches puberty, an excess of a hormone known as androgen is secreted. These hormones cause the oil glands to overwork and create extra sebum. Excess oil interacts with dead skin cells and debris, blocking pores and causing breakouts. It also induces inflammatory acne by increasing the activity of the acne bacterium, which is already present in the pores.

How does acne appear?

Acne might appear as one of the following symptoms:

·         Whiteheads: These are white spots caused by clogged pores and skin layers.

·         Blackheads: These are black lumps caused by clogged pores in which material pushes out through the follicles. The dark hue is not caused by dirt. It might be caused by germs, dead skin cells, or anything that reacts with oxygen.

·         Papules, pustules, or nodules: Severe lesions that appear red and swollen owing to inflammation or infection of the tissue around the blocked follicles and are sometimes painful and hard to the touch.

·         Cysts: These are large, pus-filled lesions.

Bottom line

Although it goes without saying that no one should condemn or stigmatize you for having acne, having acne may nonetheless be stressful and unpleasant. It may help to realize that you are not alone if you have this skin issue, no matter how unpleasant it is. Everyone gets a pimple at some time in their lives, and many individuals suffer from various kinds of acne well into adulthood. The great news is that there are several effective therapy choices available. With therapy, your acne might clear up in a couple of weeks. Getting acne treatment sooner rather than later might also assist in reducing scarring.

Do not let acne define your identity. Do everything you can to enhance your skin, including working with a dermatologist if required, and continue to do the things you like. Call LUX Dermatology or book an appointment online to learn more about acne treatments.

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About the Author: Rachel

Rachel Mitchell: A seasoned journalist turned blogger, Rachel provides insightful commentary and analysis on current affairs. Her blog is a go-to resource for those seeking an informed perspective on today's top news stories.