Protecting your text files from cyber threats

In today’s digital world, text files contain some of our most sensitive and private information. From personal diaries to confidential business documents, text files hold data that we don’t want to fall into the wrong hands. However, with the rise of cybercrimes like hacking and identity theft, our text documents have never been more vulnerable.

Use encryption 

Protecting a text file with encryption is one of the best ways to do so. It is only possible to decode a file’s contents with a special key or password after encryption has been applied. It prevents cybercriminals from being able to view the contents of an encrypted file if they manage to access it. It is easy to encrypt text files on your computer using encryption software, both free and paid. Look for programs that use strong algorithms like AES-256 for the highest level of security.

Store in a secure location

Security also depends on where you store your text files. Storing sensitive files on your local hard drive might seem safe, but your computer could be infected with malware that spies on your activity and searches for valuable data. Instead, consider storing important text files in more secure locations like an encrypted external hard drive, USB drive, or cloud storage with high-level security features enabled. It removes the files from your main computer’s vulnerabilities.

Use a private texting service

how to protect text in word? If you need to exchange confidential information via text, avoid doing so through normal SMS messaging. These messages are unsecured and stored by your phone provider, making them easy targets for cybercriminals. Instead, use a private, encrypted messaging service like Privnote, Confide, or Signal. Messages are either encrypted end-to-end or deleted after a set time so that unauthorized parties cannot access them. It is possible to discuss sensitive topics through text without leaving a permanent record.

Restrict access with permissions

On multi-user computers, restrict access to your text files by setting strict file permissions. It prevents other users from opening or modifying your private documents. On Windows, you right-click on a text file, select “Properties”, then choose only certain users under the Security tab. On Mac, click the file while holding Control, then under Sharing and Permissions only give read/write access to your username. Applying password protection adds another layer of security for sensitive files.

Create backups 

While the best defense is preventing unauthorized access in the first place, it’s also wise to create backups of your important text documents. It gives you a copy you recover from if the original somehow becomes corrupted or locked due to ransomware. Store backups both locally and in the cloud for complete protection. Just be sure to encrypt cloud backups for security.

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About the Author: Rachel

Rachel Mitchell: A seasoned journalist turned blogger, Rachel provides insightful commentary and analysis on current affairs. Her blog is a go-to resource for those seeking an informed perspective on today's top news stories.